Friday 9 December 2016


black hole

One way to achieve time travel into the future would be travelling at the speed of light in space, as first theorised by Albert Einstein.The accepted theory is that one would have to build a space ship that can travel at the speed of light, and head out into space.Theoretical physicist and string theorist Brian Greene, of Columbia University, said: “You can build a spaceship, go out into space [and travel] near the speed of light, turn around and come back.Einstein also theorised that if you were to situate yourself on the edge of a black hole, time would pass more slowly.Prof Greene explains in his Big Think video: “You hang out [next to a black hole] for a while, you come back, get out of your ship and it will be any number of years into the future, whatever you want all depending on how close you got to the edge of the black hole and how long you hung out there. 

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