Friday 9 December 2016


black hole

One way to achieve time travel into the future would be travelling at the speed of light in space, as first theorised by Albert Einstein.The accepted theory is that one would have to build a space ship that can travel at the speed of light, and head out into space.Theoretical physicist and string theorist Brian Greene, of Columbia University, said: “You can build a spaceship, go out into space [and travel] near the speed of light, turn around and come back.Einstein also theorised that if you were to situate yourself on the edge of a black hole, time would pass more slowly.Prof Greene explains in his Big Think video: “You hang out [next to a black hole] for a while, you come back, get out of your ship and it will be any number of years into the future, whatever you want all depending on how close you got to the edge of the black hole and how long you hung out there. 

Saturday 26 November 2016


The positron or antielectron is the antiparticle or the antimatter counterpart of the electron. The positron has an electric chargeof +1 e, a spin of 1/2, and has the same mass as an electron. When a low-energy positron collides with a low-energy electron, annihilation occurs, resulting in the production of two or more gamma ray photons (see electron–positron annihilation).
Positrons may be generated by positron emission radioactive decay (through weak interactions), or by pair production from a sufficiently energetic photon which is interacting with an atom in a material.

Dmitri Skobeltsyn first observed the positron in 1929. While using a Wilson cloud chamber to try to detect gamma radiation in cosmic rays, Skobeltsyn detected particles that acted like electrons but curved in the opposite direction in an applied magnetic field.
Likewise, in 1929 Chung-Yao Chao, a graduate student at Caltech, noticed some anomalous results that indicated particles behaving like electrons, but with a positive charge, though the results were inconclusive and the phenomenon was not pursued.
Carl David Anderson discovered the positron on August 2, 1932, for which he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1936. Anderson did not coin the term positron, but allowed it at the suggestion of the Physical Review journal editor to which he submitted his discovery paper in late 1932. The positron was the first evidence of antimatter and was discovered when Anderson allowed cosmic rays to pass through a cloud chamber and a lead plate. A magnet surrounded this apparatus, causing particles to bend in different directions based on their electric charge. The ion trail left by each positron appeared on the photographic plate with a curvature matching the mass-to-charge ratio of an electron, but in a direction that showed its charge was positive.
Anderson wrote in retrospect that the positron could have been discovered earlier based on Chung-Yao Chao's work, if only it had been followed up on.[11] Frédéric and Irène Joliot-Curie in Paris had evidence of positrons in old photographs when Anderson's results came out, but they had dismissed them as protons.
The positron had also been contemporaneously discovered by Patrick Blackett and Giuseppe Occhialini at the Cavendish Laboratory in 1932. Blackett and Occhialini had delayed publication to obtain more solid evidence, so Anderson was able to publish the discovery first

Friday 25 November 2016


Space-time is a mathematical model that joins space and time into a single idea called a continuum. This four-dimensional continuum is known as Minkowski space.Combining these two ideas helped cosmology to understand how the universe works on the big level (e.g. galaxies) and small level (e.g. atoms).In non-relativistic classical mechanics, the use of Euclidean space instead of space-time is good, because time is treated as universal with a constant rate of passage which is independent of the state of motion of an observer.But in a relativistic universe, time cannot be separated from the three dimensions of space. This is because the observed rate at which time passes depends on an object's velocity relative to the observer. Also, the strength of any gravitational field slows the passage of time for an object as seen by an observer outside the field.

Wednesday 23 November 2016


Thermodynamics is a branch of science concerned with heat and temperature and their relation to energy and work. The behavior of these quantities is governed by the four laws of thermodynamics, irrespective of the composition or specific properties of the material or system in question. The laws of thermodynamics are explained in terms of microscopic constituents by statistical mechanics. Thermodynamics applies to a wide variety of topics in science and engineering, especially physical chemistrychemical engineering and mechanical engineering.
Historically, thermodynamics developed out of a desire to increase the efficiency of early steam engines, particularly through the work of French physicist Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot (1824) who believed that engine efficiency was the key that could help France win the Napoleonic Wars. Scottish physicist Lord Kelvin was the first to formulate a concise definition of thermodynamics in 1854:
Thermo-dynamics is the subject of the relation of heat to forces acting between contiguous parts of bodies, and the relation of heat to electrical agency.

Tuesday 22 November 2016



  • in a key development for modern physics, electricity and magnetism were `unified' into electromagnetism
  • the connection develops from the fact that an electric current (the flow of electrons in a metal) produces a magnetic field
  • Faraday shows that a changing electric field produces a magnetic field and, vice-versus, a changing magnetic field produces an electric current
  • Maxwell completes the theory with a full mathematical description of the relationship between electric and magnetic fields = electromagnetism

Monday 21 November 2016


a branch of mechanics dealing with the application of the principles of statistics to the mechanics of a system consisting of a large number of parts having motions that differ by small steps over a large rangeA common use of statistical mechanics is in explaining the thermodynamic behaviour of large systems. This branch of statistical mechanics which treats and extends classical thermodynamics is known as statistical thermodynamics or equilibrium statistical mechanics. Microscopic mechanical laws do not contain concepts such as temperature, heat, or entropy; however, statistical mechanics shows how these concepts arise from the natural uncertainty about the state of a system when that system is prepared in practice. The benefit of using statistical mechanics is that it provides exact methods to connect thermodynamic quantities (such as heat capacity) to microscopic behaviour, whereas, in classical thermodynamics, the only available option would be to just measure and tabulate such quantities for various materials. Statistical mechanics also makes it possible to extend the laws of thermodynamics to cases which are not considered in classical thermodynamics, such as microscopic systems and other mechanical systems with few degrees of freedom.

Saturday 19 November 2016


The Theory of Relativity, proposed by the Jewish physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) in the early part of the 20th century, is one of the most significant scientific advances of our time. Although the concept of relativity was not introduced by Einstein, his major contribution was the recognition that the speed of light in a vacuum is constant and an absolute physical boundary for motion. This does not have a major impact on a person's day-to-day life since we travel at speeds much slower than light speed. For objects travelling near light speed, however, the theory of relativity states that objects will move slower and shorten in length from the point of view of an observer on Earth. Einstein also derived the famous equation, E = mc2, which reveals the equivalence of mass and energy. When Einstein applied his theory to gravitational fields, he derived the "curved space-time continuum" which depicts the dimensions of space and time as a two-dimensional surface where massive objects create valleys and dips in the surface. This aspect of relativity explained the phenomena of light bending around the sun, predicted black holes as well as the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB) -- a discovery rendering fundamental anomalies in the classic Steady-State hypothesis. For his work on relativity, the photoelectric effect and blackbody radiation, Einstein received the Nobel Prize in 1921.

Friday 18 November 2016


By contrast, classical physics only explains matter and energy on a scale familiar to human experience, including the behaviour of astronomical bodies such as the Moon. Classical physics is still used in much of modern science and technology. However, towards the end of the 19th century, scientists discovered phenomena in both the large (macro) and the small (micro) worlds that classical physics could not explain. Coming to terms with these limitations led to two major revolutions in physics which created a shift in the original scientific paradigm: the theory of relativity and the development of quantum mechanics. This article describes how physicists discovered the limitations of classical physics and developed the main concepts of the quantum theory that replaced it in the early decades of the 20th century. These concepts are described in roughly the order in which they were first discovered. For a more complete history of the subject, see History of quantum mechanics.
Light behaves in some respects like particles and in other respects like waves. Matter—particles such as electrons and atoms—exhibits wavelike behaviour too. Some light sources, including neon lights, give off only certain frequencies of light. Quantum mechanics shows that light, along with all other forms of electromagnetic radiation, comes in discrete units, called photons, and predicts its energies, colours, and spectral intensities. Since one never observes half a photon, a single photon is a quantum, or smallest observable amount, of the electromagnetic field. More broadly, quantum mechanics shows that many quantities, such as angular momentum, that appeared to be continuous in the zoomed-out view of classical mechanics, turn out to be (at the small, zoomed-in scale of quantum mechanics) quantized. Angular momentum is required to take on one of a set of discrete allowable values, and since the gap between these values is so minute, the discontinuity is only apparent at the atomic level.

Thursday 17 November 2016


Classical mechanics is the study of the motion of bodies (including the special case in which bodies remain at rest) in accordance with the general principles first enunciated by Sir Isaac Newton in his Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687), commonly known as the Principia. Classical mechanics was the first branch of Physics to be discovered, and is the foundation upon which all other branches of Physics are built. Moreover, classical mechanics has many important applications in other areas of science, such as Astronomy (e.g., celestial mechanics), Chemistry (e.g., the dynamics of molecular collisions), Geology (e.g., the propagation of seismic waves, generated by earthquakes, through the Earth's crust), and Engineering (e.g., the equilibrium and stability of structures). Classical mechanics is also of great significance outside the realm of science. After all, the sequence of events leading to the discovery of classical mechanics--starting with the ground-breaking work of Copernicus, continuing with the researches of Galileo, Kepler, and Descartes, and culminating in the monumental achievements of Newton--involved the complete overthrow of the Aristotelian picture of the Universe, which had previously prevailed for more than a millennium, and its replacement by a recognizably modern picture in which humankind no longer played a privileged role.

Wednesday 16 November 2016


Today, it's a rejuvenation day for this blog since I'm taking out this after few months. This little start gonna be a pretty cute known concept and topic. That is nothing but "BRANCHES OF PHYSICS". From today it's gonna go with the broad classification of physics enlisted together in this blog. Day by day the progress will be increasing.



Thursday 21 April 2016



The ratio of the amount of radiation absorbed by a surface to the amount of radiation incident upon it.

Wednesday 20 April 2016


Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature where nothing could be colder and no heat energy remains in a substance.
Absolute zero is the point at which the fundamental particles of nature have minimal vibrational motion, retaining only quantum mechanical, zero-point energy-induced particle motion.
By international agreement, absolute zero is defined as precisely; 0 K on the Kelvin scale, which is a thermodynamic (absolute) temperature scale; and –273.15 degrees Celsius on the Celsius scale.
Absolute zero is also precisely equivalent to; 0 degrees R on the Rankine scale (also a thermodynamic temperature scale); and –459.67 degrees F on the Fahrenheit scale.
While scientists can not fully achieve a state of “zero” heat energy in a substance, they have made great advancements in achieving temperatures ever closer to absolute zero (where matter exhibits odd quantum effects).
In 1994, the NIST achieved a record cold temperature of 700 nK (billionths of a kelvin).
In 2003, researchers at MIT eclipsed this with a new record of 450 pK (0.45 nK).                                                                                                                          

Monday 18 April 2016


And today we gonna get to know bout Absolute zero.... we're rising from alphabetical order.

Density of moisture i.e., water vapour to per unit of volume of air, expressed usually as kilogram per cubic metre (kg/m3). In comparison, relative humidity is the ratio of the water vapour in the air at a certain temperature and pressure to the maximum water vapour it can contain at the same temperature and pressure ad specific humidity is the ratio of water vapour in the air to the total mass of air and water vapour.


hi... its up here. hereafter I gonna update one physics definition each and every day. keep visiting my blog to get more updates...

Monday 11 April 2016

powerful gayathri mantra.. scientifical explanations


Bhur Bhuva Suvaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam 
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat

God! You are Omnipresent; Omnipotent and Almighty.
You are all light. You are all knowledge and bliss.
You are destroyer of fear; You are creator of this Universe,
You are the greatest of all. We bow and meditate upon your light.
You guide our intellect in the right direction.


The earth (bhur), the plants (bhuvah), and the galaxies (suvaha) are moving at a great velocity, the sound produced is Om, (the name of formless god) That god (tat), who manifests himself in the form of light of sun (savitur) is worthy of bowing / respect (varenyam). We all, therefore, should meditate (dheemahi) upon the light (bhargo) of that deity (devasya) and also do chanting of Om. May he (yo) guide in right direction (prachodayat) our (nah) intellect (dhiyo).

 REMARK:- I learnt this from my neighbour who was a Brahmin.. then I searched more about this Gayathri mantra and tried to give you all the knowledge and the scientific interpretation that lies behind this mantra.

Sunday 10 April 2016

vAnTa blAcK

VANTA BLACK is the darkest substance of all time.. and it observes nearly 96% of light passing through it
keep visiting to get more about vanta black.. will get another post soon

Saturday 9 April 2016


  • Special relativity is a theory proposed by Albert Einstein  that describes the propagation of matter and light at high speeds. 
  • It was invented to explain the observed behaviour of electric and magnetic fields, which it beautifully reconciles into a single so-called electromagnetic field, and also to resolve a number of paradoxes that arise when considering travel at large speeds. 
  • Special relativity also explains the behaviour of fast-travelling particle, including the fact that fast-travelling unstable particles appear decay more slowly than identical particles travelling more slowly. 
  • Special relativity is an indispensable tool of modern physics, and its predictions have been experimentally tested time and time again without any discrepancies turning up. 
  • Special relativity reduces to Newtonian mechanics in the limit of small speeds.

Saturday 19 March 2016

exciting wormhole...

Image result for wormhole
A wormhole is a theoretical passage through space-time that could create shortcuts for long journeys across the universe. Wormholes are predicted by the theory of general relativity. But be wary: wormholes bring with them the dangers of sudden collapse, high radiation and dangerous contact with exotic matter.

Wormhole theory

In 1935, physicists Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen used the theory of general relativity to propose the existence of "bridges" through space-time. These paths, called Einstein-Rosen bridges or wormholes, connect two different points in space-time, theoretically creating a shortcut that could reduce travel time and distance. 

Wormholes contain two mouths, with a throat connecting the two. The mouths would most likely be spheroidal. The throat might be a straight stretch, but it could also wind around, taking a longer path than a more conventional route might require.

Einstein's theory of general relativity mathematically predicts the existence of wormholes, but none have been discovered to date. A negative mass wormhole might be spotted by the way its gravity affects light that passes by.

Certain solutions of general relativity allow for the existence of wormholes where the mouth of each is a black hole. However, a naturally occurring black hole, formed by the collapse of a dying star, does not by itself create a wormhole.